Best of Both Worlds
"As a provider I work with ill patients who have Chronic Lyme Disease and other chronic infections, Biotoxin Illness, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and hormonal imbalances. I use an integrative approach to help improve their quality of life and move to a healing state."
There are many differences between the way Western health care and Eastern health care deal with Lyme disease and other co-infections. In an integrative practice, the best of both worlds are utilized in a blended way using herbals, neutraceuticals, and antibiotics. The practice of Integrative Medicine merges conventional Western Medicine with the essence of many healing concepts from around the world. Treatment ranges from gentle, natural substances, to the most advanced cutting edge technologies. Using nutrients and herbals can control many chronic conditions, as there are fewer side effects and are more readily accepted by the body.
When in Graduate School, we were always taught to look for the horses, not the zebras, intimating that most have common health problems easily addressed. Sadly, this is not true anymore. Our lives have become challenged by an overburden of toxins pushing our detoxification pathways to their limit and beyond. Chronic infections, often undiagnosed for years, create zebras.
Functional medicine seeks to discern the root cause of a health issue. Discerning the root cause allows healing by peeling the layers, like peeling an onion, one by one until health is restored.
Using tools from nature, functional medicine uses nutritional supplements and herbs, such as Curcumin, Milk Thistle, Japanese Knotweed, and others, to affect change and lead to an improved quality of life. Decreasing inflammation, a driver of chronic disease, can lower pain, improve immune function, improve Detoxification and support a healthy response to stress. Whether you have a troublesome chronic condition or simply want to improve or retain a good quality of life, Functional medicine is beneficial.
For example, Curcumin and Bosweilia, incombination, are very helpful for joint inflammation and pain, without risky side effects of Pharmaceuticals like ADvil and Tylenol.
Bosweilia is supportive of the respiratory system also. Curcumin has been used in studies for PTSD, dementia, colon cancer, liver function and others.
Intestinal issues like bloating, diarrhea, constipation, food intolerance, cramping, gas, and other symptoms are well served by functional medicine. GMO foods can cause a leaking, permeable intestinal lining which ends up as an autoimmune disorder if not repaired. Proteins that are not normally found outside of the intestinal tract, leak into the peritoneal cavity and our immune system recognizes them as foreign and attacks them. This leads to autoimmune disease. Several herbs can repair the imbalance and restore health.
Autoimmune disease is not a root cause disease.
There are many differences between the way Western health care and Eastern health care deal with Lyme disease and other co-infections. In an integrative practice, the best of both worlds are utilized in a blended way using herbals, neutraceuticals, and antibiotics. The practice of Integrative Medicine merges conventional Western Medicine with the essence of many healing concepts from around the world. Treatment ranges from gentle, natural substances, to the most advanced cutting edge technologies. Using nutrients and herbals can control many chronic conditions, as there are fewer side effects and are more readily accepted by the body.
When in Graduate School, we were always taught to look for the horses, not the zebras, intimating that most have common health problems easily addressed. Sadly, this is not true anymore. Our lives have become challenged by an overburden of toxins pushing our detoxification pathways to their limit and beyond. Chronic infections, often undiagnosed for years, create zebras.
Functional medicine seeks to discern the root cause of a health issue. Discerning the root cause allows healing by peeling the layers, like peeling an onion, one by one until health is restored.
Using tools from nature, functional medicine uses nutritional supplements and herbs, such as Curcumin, Milk Thistle, Japanese Knotweed, and others, to affect change and lead to an improved quality of life. Decreasing inflammation, a driver of chronic disease, can lower pain, improve immune function, improve Detoxification and support a healthy response to stress. Whether you have a troublesome chronic condition or simply want to improve or retain a good quality of life, Functional medicine is beneficial.
For example, Curcumin and Bosweilia, incombination, are very helpful for joint inflammation and pain, without risky side effects of Pharmaceuticals like ADvil and Tylenol.
Bosweilia is supportive of the respiratory system also. Curcumin has been used in studies for PTSD, dementia, colon cancer, liver function and others.
Intestinal issues like bloating, diarrhea, constipation, food intolerance, cramping, gas, and other symptoms are well served by functional medicine. GMO foods can cause a leaking, permeable intestinal lining which ends up as an autoimmune disorder if not repaired. Proteins that are not normally found outside of the intestinal tract, leak into the peritoneal cavity and our immune system recognizes them as foreign and attacks them. This leads to autoimmune disease. Several herbs can repair the imbalance and restore health.
Autoimmune disease is not a root cause disease.
Mara has developed an expertise in functional, nutritional medicine; blending pharmaceuticals with nutraceuticals, utilizing science and nutrition to its best advantage to get the optimal effect and outcome.
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